Contravention Code No. 218 of the Republic of Moldova (excerpts related to freedom of peaceful assembly) (24 October 2008, amended 2023) (English)

Article 67. Violation of assembly legislation

(1) Holding the meeting without submitting the prior declaration by its organizer in the manner established by the legislation shall be punishable by a fine of 18 to 24 conventional units.

(2) Preventing the organization or conduct of meetings in accordance with the law, as well as preventing participation or coercion to participate in them. It is sanctioned with a fine from 24 to 30 conventional units.

(3) Non-fulfillment by the organizer of the meeting of the obligations stipulated by law It is sanctioned with a fine from 12 to 18 conventional units.

(4) Participation in the meeting with possession of the weapon. It is sanctioned with a fine from 60 to 90 conventional units with deprivation of the right to own a weapon and carry a weapon for a period of 3 months to one year.

(41) Participation in the meeting with possession of explosive substances, any prohibited substances or other objects that may endanger human life or health. It is sanctioned with a fine from 60 to 90 conventional units or with contravention arrest from 5 to 15 days.

(5) Preventing in any way access to buildings in the immediate vicinity of the meeting venue. It is sanctioned with a fine from 24 to 30 conventional units.

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