Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021) (excerpts related to Freedom of Association) (English)


Article 8.

1. Political parties, trade unions and other public associations may be created in the Kyrgyz Republic to implement and protect the rights, freedoms and interests of a human and a citizen.

2. Political parties contribute to the diverse expression of the political will of various social strata and groups of society.

3. In the Kyrgyz Republic, the following is prohibited:

(1) the formation and functioning of party organizations in state and municipal institutions, organizations; implementation by state and municipal employees of party work, with the exception of cases when such work is carried out outside the official activities;

(2) membership of military personnel, law enforcement officers and judges in political parties, their speech in support of any political party;

(3) the creation of political parties on a religious and ethnic basis, the pursuit of political goals by religious associations;

(4) creation by associations of citizens of paramilitary formations;

(5) the functioning of political parties, public and religious associations, their representative offices and branches, whose activities are aimed at forcibly changing the constitutional order, undermining national security, inciting social, racial, ethnic and religious hatred.

4. Political parties, trade unions and other public associations ensure the transparency of their financial and economic activities.


Article 36.

Everyone has the right to freedom of association.


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