Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991, as amended 2011) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)



Article 21
Citizens have the right to assemble peacefully and to express public protest without prior
announcement or a special license.
The exercise of this right may be restricted only during a state of emergency or war.


Article 122
The Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia protect the territorial integrity and
independence of the Republic.
The defence of the Republic is regulated by a law adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the
total number of Representatives.

Article 123
No person is authorized to recognize occupation of the Republic of Macedonia or of part

Article 124
A state of war exists when direct danger of military attack on the Republic is impending, or
when the Republic is attacked, or war is declared on it.
A state of war is declared by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number
of Representatives of the Assembly, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, the
Government or at least 30 Representatives.

If the Assembly cannot meet, the decision on the declaration of a state of war is made by the
President of the Republic who submits it to the Assembly for confirmation as soon as it can

Article 125
A state of emergency exists when major natural disasters or epidemics take place.
A state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia or on part thereof is
determined by the Assembly on a proposal by the President of the Republic, the Government
or by at least 30 Representatives.
The decision to establish the existence of a state of emergency is made by a two-thirds majority
vote of the total number of Representatives and can remain in force for a maximum of 30 days.
If the Assembly cannot meet, the decision to establish the existence of a state of emergency is
made by the President of the Republic, who submits it to the Assembly for confirmation as
soon as it can meet.

Article 126
During a state of war or emergency, the Government, in accordance with the Constitution and
law, issues decrees with the force of law.
The authorization of the Government to issue decrees with the force of law lasts until the
termination of the state of war or emergency, on which the Assembly decides.

Article 127
During the state of war, if the Assembly cannot meet, the President of the Republic may
appoint and discharge the Government, as well as appoint or dismiss officials whose election
is within the sphere of competence of the Assembly.

Article 128
The mandate of the judges of the Constitutional Court of Macedonia, as well as members of
the Republican Judicial Council is extended for the duration of the state of war or emergency.


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