Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (1991, as amended 2013) (excerpts related to State of emergency) (English)



Article 81
(Term of the National Assembly)
The National Assembly is elected for four years.
If the term of the National Assembly expires during a war or state of emergency, its
term shall expire six months after the end of the war or state of emergency, or earlier
if the National Assembly itself so decides.
Elections to the National Assembly are called by the President of the Republic. A new
National Assembly shall be elected no sooner than two months and no later than fifteen
days before the expiry of four years from the date of the first session of the previous
National Assembly. If the National Assembly is dissolved, a new National Assembly
shall be elected no later than two months after the dissolution of the previous one. The
term of the previous National Assembly shall end on the first session of the new
National Assembly, which shall be called by the President of the Republic no later than
twenty days after the election of the new National Assembly.


Article 92
(War and State of Emergency)
A state of emergency shall be declared whenever a great and general danger threatens
the existence of the state. The declaration of war or state of emergency, urgent
measures, and their repeal shall be decided upon by the National Assembly on the
proposal of the Government.
The National Assembly decides on the use of the defence forces.
In the event that the National Assembly is unable to convene, the President of the
Republic shall decide on matters from the first and second paragraphs of this article.
Such decisions must be submitted for confirmation to the National Assembly
immediately upon it next convening.


Article 103
(Election of the President of the Republic)
The President of the Republic is elected for a term of five years and may be elected
for a maximum of two consecutive terms. If the term of office of the President of the
Republic expires during a war or state of emergency, the President’s term shall expire
six months after the cessation of such war or state of emergency.


Article 116
(Vote of No Confidence)
No less than forty-eight hours must elapse between the lodging of a proposal to elect
a new President of the Government and the vote itself, unless the National Assembly
decides otherwise by a two-thirds majority vote of all deputies, or if the country is at
war or in a state of emergency.


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