Constitution of the Slovak Republic (1992, as amended 2015) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)



Article 51
2) The conditions and extent of restriction of the fundamental rights and freedoms and the
extent of duties in a time of war, state of war, an exceptional state or an emergency state shall
be laid down by a constitutional law.


Article 102
(1) The President

m) may, upon a proposition of the Government of the Slovak Republic, order a mobilization
of the military forces, declare a state of war or declare an exceptional state and their

(3) Conditions for declaring war, declaring a state of war, declaring an exceptional state,
declaring an emergency state and the manner of exercising public authority during war, a
state of war, an exceptional state, shall be laid down by a constitutional law.


Article 119
The Government shall decide as a body:
n) on a proposal for declaring a state of war, on proposal for ordering a mobilization of the
military forces, on proposal for declaring an exceptional state and on a proposal for their
termination, on declaring and on termination of a state of emergency,


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