Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (1992, as amended 2014) (excerpts related to State of emergency) (English)

The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania



Article 84
The President of the Republic:

17) shall declare a state of emergency according to the procedure and in cases
established by law and present this decision for approval at the next sitting of the


Article 144
When a threat arises to the constitutional system or social peace in the State, the
Seimas may declare a state of emergency throughout the territory of the State or in
any part thereof. The period of the state of emergency shall not exceed six months.
In cases of urgency, between sessions of the Seimas, the President of the
Republic shall have the right to adopt a decision on the state of emergency and
convene an extraordinary session of the Seimas for the consideration of this issue.
The Seimas shall approve or overrule the decision of the President of the Republic.
The state of emergency shall be regulated by law.

Article 145
Upon the imposition of martial law or the declaration of a state of emergency,
the rights and freedoms specified in Articles 22, 24, 25, 32, 35, and 36 of the
Constitution may temporarily be limited.

Article 147
A motion to alter or supplement the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania
may be submitted to the Seimas by a group of not less than 1/4 of all the Members
of the Seimas or not less than by 300,000 voters.
During a state of emergency or martial law, the Constitution may not be


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