Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (1922, as amended 2014) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Latvia



62. If the State is threatened by an external enemy, or if an internal insurrection which endangers the existing political system arises
or threatens to arise in the State or in any part of the State, the Cabinet has the right to proclaim a state of emergency and shall inform
the Presidium within twenty­four hours and the Presidium shall, without delay, present such decision of the Cabinet to the Saeima.


73. The Budget and laws concerning loans, taxes, customs duties, railroad tariffs, military conscription, declaration and commencement
of war, peace treaties, declaration of a state of emergency and its termination, mobilisation and demobilisation, as well as agreements
with other nations may not be submitted to national referendum.


82. In Latvia, court cases shall be heard by district (city) courts, regional courts and the Supreme Court, but in the event of war or a
state of emergency, also by military courts.


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