Constitution of the Republic of Estonia (1992, as amended 2015) (excerpts related to State of emergency) (English)

The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia



§ 65. The Riigikogu:
14) declares a state of emergency in the national territory pursuantto § 129 of the Constitution;


§ 78. The President:
17) makes proposals to the Riigikoguto declare a state ofwar, to order mobilisation and demobilisation and,
pursuant to § 129 of theConstitution, to declare a state of emergency;


§ 87. The Government of the Republic:
8) in the case of a natural disaster or a catastrophe, or to preventthe spread of an infectious disease, declares a
state of emergency in theentire national territory or a part thereof;


§ 106. Issues regarding the budget, taxation, financial obligations of the national government, ratification and
denunciation of international treaties, the declaration or termination of a state of emergency, or national defence
may not be submitted to a referendum.


§ 129. In the case of a threat to the Estonian constitutional order, the Riigikogu may, acting on a proposal of the
President or of the Government of the Republic and by a majority of its members, declare a state of emergency
in the entire national territory for a period not exceeding three months.
Detailed arrangements regarding a state of emergency are to be provided by law

§ 130. In a state of emergency or a state of war, the rights and freedoms of individuals may be circumscribed
and duties may be imposed upon individuals in the interests of national security and public order under
conditions and pursuant to a procedure provided by law. The rights and freedoms enshrined in § 8, §§ 11‑18,
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paragraph 3 of § 20, § 22, § 23, paragraphs 2 and 4 of § 24, § 25, § 27, § 28, paragraph 2 of § 36, § 40, § 41, §
49 and paragraph 1 of § 51 of the Constitution may not be circumscribed.

§ 131. The Riigikogu, the President, and representative bodies of local authorities may not be elected, nor may
their authority be terminated during a state of emergency or a state of war.
If the term of office of the Riigikogu, the President or representative bodies of local authorities should expire
during a state of emergency or a state of war or within three months after the termination of a state of emergency
or a state of war, that term is extended. In these cases, new elections are called within three months following
the termination of the state of emergency or the state of war.


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