Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (1991, as amended 2015) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria



Article 57

1. The fundamental civil rights shall be irrevocable.
2. Rights shall not be abused, nor shall they be exercised to the detriment of the
rights or the legitimate interests of others.
3. Following a proclamation of war, martial law or a state of emergency the
exercise of individual civil rights may be temporarily curtailed by a law, except for
the rights established by Article 28, Article 29, Artile 31 paragraphs 1, 2 and 3,
Article 32 paragraph 1, and Article 37.


Article 64
1. The National Assembly shall be elected for a term of four years.
2. In case of war, armed hostilities or another state of emergency occurring
during or after the expiry of the National Assembly's term, its mandate shall be
extended until the expiry of the circumstances.
3. Elections for a new National Assembly shall be held within two months from
the expiry of the mandate of the preceding one.


Article 84

The National Assembly shall:
12. on a motion from the President or the Council of Ministers, introduce
martial law or a state of emergency on all or part of the country's territory;


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