Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (1996, as amended 2004) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Belarus of 1994

(with alterations and amendments)

Adopted at the republican referenda of November 24,1996 and of October 17, 2004


Article 41.


Forced labour shall be prohibited, other than work or service specified in the 80 verdict of a court of law or in accordance with the law on the state of emergency or martial law.


Article 63. The exercise of the personal rights and liberties specified in this Constitution may be suspended only during a state of emergency or martial law under the procedure and within the limits specified in the Constitution and the law.

In carrying out special measures during a state of emergency, the rights specified in Article 24, part three of Article 25 and Articles 26 and 31 of the Constitution may not be restricted.


Article 71.


No elections shall be held during a state of emergency or martial law.


Article 84. The President of the Republic of Belarus shall:

22) in the event of a natural disaster, a catastrophe, or unrest involving violence or the threat of violence on the part of a group of persons or organizations that endangers peoples lives and health or jeopardizes the territorial integrity and existence of the State, declare a state of emergency in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or in specific areas thereof and submit the decision to the Council of the Republic for approval within three days;


Article 94. The powers of the House of Representatives may be terminated prematurely where no confidence is expressed or a non-confidence vote is expressed to the Government, or where the House fails twice to give its consent for the appointment of the Prime Minister.

The powers of the House of Representatives or the Council of the Republic may be prematurely terminated in accordance with the conclusion of the Constitutional Court due to systematic and gross violation of the Constitution by the chambers of the Parliament.

The decision to this issue shall be taken by the President after official consultations with the Chairs of the chambers.

The chambers may not be dissolved during a state of emergency or martial law, in the last six months of the term of office of the President, in the course of proceedings of both chambers on the premature removal of the President from office.

Both chambers may not be dissolved in the course of the first year since the first sittings were held.

Article 98. The Council of the Republic shall:

8) consider Presidential decrees on the introduction of a state of emergency, martial law, general or partial mobilisation no later than three days after their submission and take the appropriate decision.


Article 139. A law on amending and supplementing the Constitution may be adopted after it has been debated and approved twice by both chambers of the Parliament with at least a three months' interval.

The Constitution shall not be amended or supplemented by the Parliament during a state of emergency or the last six months of the term of the House of Representatives.


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