Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1995, as amended 2009) (excerpts related to state of emergency) (English)

The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan



Article 35. Right to work

V. Based on decisions of the law court there might be cases of forced labor, terms and conditions being specified by legislation; forced labor is permissible due to orders of authorized persons during the term of army service, state of emergency or martial law.


Article 71. Protection of rights and liberties of a human being and citizen

III. Rights and liberties of a human being and citizen may be partially and temporarily restricted on announcement of war, martial law and state of emergency, and also mobilization, taking into consideration international obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic. Population of the Republic shall be notified in advance about restrictions as regards their rights and liberties.


Article 84. Term of authority of a calling of Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic

I. Term of authority of each calling of Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic is 5 years. In case the conduct of elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan may not be held due to military operations under a state of war, the term of office of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be extended until the end of military operations. The decision of this matter shall be adopted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the application of the state body organizing elections (referendum).


Article 101. Procedure of elections of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic

V. No one can be elected as the President of the Republic ofAzerbaijan more than twice. In case the conduct of the Presidential Election of the Republic of Azerbaijan is not held due to military operations under a state of war, the term of office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be extended until the end of military operations. The decision on this matter shall be adopted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the application of the state body organizing elections (referendum).


Article 109. Competence of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic

The President of the Azerbaijan Republic:

29. announces state of emergency and martial law;


Article 111. Declaration of martial law
In cases of actual occupation of some part of the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic,
announcement of war by foreign country or countries against the Azerbaijan Republic, blockade
of the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and also whenever there is real danger of armed attack
against the Azerbaijan Republic, blockade of the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and also in
case of real threat of such blockade the President of the Azerbaijan Republic announces martial
law all over the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or in individual areas, and within 24 hours
submits respective decree for approval by Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 112. State of emergency
Whenever natural calamities take place, epidemic, epizootic, grave ecological and other disasters
and also on accomplishment of acts aimed to violation of territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan
Republic, revolt or state coup, with mass disorders accompanied by violence, other conflicts
threatening life and safety of citizens, or normal activity of state bodies, the President of the
Azerbaijan Republic announces state of emergency in individual areas of the Azerbaijan
Republic and within 24 hours submits respective decree for approval by Milli Majlis of the
Azerbaijan Republic.


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