Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (1999, as amended 2016) (excerpts related to elections) (English)

Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation 



Art. 136 Political rights
1 All Swiss citizens over the age of eighteen, unless they lack legal capacity due to
mental illness or mental incapacity, have political rights in federal matters. All
citizens have the same political rights and duties.
2 They may participate in elections to the National Council and in federal popular
votes, and launch or sign popular initiatives and requests for referendums in federal

Art. 143 Eligibility for election
Any person eligible to vote may be elected to the National Council, the Federal
Council or the Federal Supreme Court.

Art. 149 Composition and election of the National Council
1 The National Council is composed of 200 representatives of the People.
2 The representatives are elected directly by the People according to a system of
proportional representation. A general election is held every four years.
3 Each Canton constitutes an electoral constituency.
4 The seats are allocated to the Cantons according to their relative populations. Each
Canton has at least one seat.

Art. 150 Composition and election of the Council of States
1 The Council of States is composed of 46 representatives of the Cantons.
2 The Cantons of Obwalden, Nidwalden, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Appenzell
Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden each elect one representative; the other
Cantons each elect two representatives.
3 The Cantons determine the rules for the election of their representatives to the
Council of States.


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