Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (1922, as amended 2014) (excerpts related to Referendum) (English)

The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia


14. Not less than one tenth of electors has the right to initiate a national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima. If the majority
of voters and at least two thirds of the number of the voters who participated in the last elections of the Saeima vote in the national
referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima, then the Saeima shall be deemed recalled. The right to initiate a national referendum
regarding recalling of the Saeima may not be exercised one year after the convening of the Saeima and one year before the end of the
term of office of the Saeima, during the last six months of the term of office of the President, as well as earlier than six months after the
previous national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima.


48. The President shall be entitled to propose the dissolution of the Saeima. Following this proposal, a national referendum shall be
held. If in the referendum more than half of the votes are cast in favour of dissolution, the Saeima shall be considered dissolved, new
elections called, and such elections held no later than two months after the date of the dissolution of the Saeima.


50. If in the referendum more than half of the votes are cast against the dissolution of the Saeima, then the President shall be deemed
to be removed from office, and the Saeima shall elect a new President to serve for the remaining term of office of the President so

Membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national referendum, which is proposed by the Saeima.
Substantial changes in the terms regarding the membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national
referendum if such referendum is requested by at least one­half of the members of the Saeima.

73. The Budget and laws concerning loans, taxes, customs duties, railroad tariffs, military conscription, declaration and commencement
of war, peace treaties, declaration of a state of emergency and its termination, mobilisation and demobilisation, as well as agreements
with other nations may not be submitted to national referendum.

74. A law adopted by the Saeima and suspended pursuant to the procedures specified in Article seventy­two shall be repealed by
national referendum if the number of voters is at least half of the number of electors as participated in the previous Saeima election
and if the majority has voted for repeal of the law.

75. Should the Saeima, by not less than a two thirds majority vote, determine a law to be urgent, the President may not request
reconsideration of such law, it may not be submitted to national referendum, and the adopted law shall be proclaimed no later than the
third day after the President has received it.

77. If the Saeima has amended the first, second, third, fourth, sixth or seventy­seventh Article of the Constitution, such amendments,
in order to come into force as law, shall be submitted to a national referendum.

78. Electors, in number comprising not less than one tenth of the electorate, have the right to submit a fully elaborated draft of an
amendment to the Constitution or of a law to the President, who shall present it to the Saeima. If the Saeima does not adopt it without
change as to its content, it shall then be submitted to national referendum.

79. An amendment to the Constitution submitted for national referendum shall be deemed adopted if at least half of the electorate has
voted in favour. A draft law, decision regarding membership of Latvia in the European Union or substantial changes in the terms
regarding such membership submitted for national referendum shall be deemed adopted if the number of voters is at least half of the
number of electors as participated in the previous Saeima election and if the majority has voted in favour of the draft law, membership
of Latvia in the European Union or substantial changes in the terms regarding such membership.

80. All citizens of Latvia who have the right to vote in elections of the Saeima may participate in national referendums

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