Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991, as amended 2011) (excerpts related to Referendum) (English)

Constitution of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 




Article 73
The Assembly decides on issuing notice of a referendum concerning specific matters within
its sphere of competence by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives.
The decision of the majority of voters in a referendum is adopted on condition that more than
half of the total number of voters voted.
The Assembly is obliged to issue notice of a referendum if one is proposed by at least
150,000 voters.
The decision made in a referendum is binding.

Article 74
The Assembly makes decisions on any change in the borders of the Republic by a two-thirds
majority vote of the total number of Representatives.
The decision on any change in the borders of the Republic is adopted by referendum, in so far
as it is accepted by the majority of the total number of voters.


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