Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991, as amended 2011) (excerpts related to elections) (English)




Article 2
Sovereignty in the Republic of Macedonia derives from the citizens and belongs to the
The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia exercise their authority through democratically
elected Representatives, through referendum and through other forms of direct expression.


Article 22
Every citizen on reaching 18 years of age acquires the right to vote.
The right to vote is equal, universal and direct, and is exercised at free elections by secret
Persons deprived of the right to practice their profession by a court verdict do not have the
right to vote.


Article 62
The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia is composed of 120 to 140 Representatives.
The Representatives are elected at general, direct and free elections and by secret ballot.
The Representative represents the citizens and makes decisions in the Assembly in
accordance with his/her personal convictions.
A Representative’s mandate cannot be revoked.
The mode and conditions of election of Representatives are regulated by a low adopted by a
majority vote of the total number of Representatives.

Article 63
The Representatives for the Assembly are elected for a term of four years. The mandate of
Representatives is verified by the Assembly. The length of the mandate is reckoned from the
constitutive meeting of the Assembly.
Each newly-elected Assembly must hold a constitutive meeting 20 days at the latest after the
election was held. The constitutive meeting is called by the President of the Assembly of the
previous term.
If a constitutive meeting is not called within the time laid down, the Representatives assemble
and constitute the Assembly themselves on the twenty-first day after the completion of the
Elections for Representatives to the Assembly are held within the last 90 days of the term of
the current Assembly, or within 60 days from the day of dissolution of the Assembly.
The term of office of the Representatives to the Assembly can be extended only during states
of war or emergency.
Cases where a citizen cannot be elected a Representative, owing to the incompatibility of this
office with other public offices or professions already held, are defined by law.
The Assembly is dissolved when more than half of the total number of Representatives vote
for dissolution.


Article 80
The President of the Republic is elected in general and direct elections, by secret ballot, for a
term of five years.
A person may be elected President of the Republic two times at most.
The President of the Republic shall be a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia.
A person may be elected President of the Republic if over the age of at least 40 on the day of
A person may not be elected President of the Republic if, on the day of election, he/she has
not been a resident of the Republic of Macedonia for at least ten years within the last fifteen

Article 81
A candidate for President of the Republic can be nominated by a minimum of 10,000 voters
or at least 30 Representatives.
A candidate for President of the Republic is elected if voted by a majority of the total number
of voters.
If in the first round of voting no candidate wins the majority required, voting in the second
round is restricted to the two candidates who have won most votes in the first round.
The second round takes place within 14 days of the termination of voting in the first round.
A candidate is elected President if he/she wins a majority of the votes of those who voted,
provided more than half of the registered voters voted.
If in the second round of voting no candidate wins the required majority of votes, the whole
electoral procedure is repeated.
If only one candidate is nominated for the post of President of the Republic and he/she does
not obtain the required majority of votes in the first round, the whole electoral procedure is
The election of the President of the Republic takes place within the last 60 days of the term of
the previous President. Should the term of office of the President of the Republic be
terminated for any reason, the election of a new President takes place within 40 days from the
day of termination.
Before taking up office, the President of the Republic makes a solemn declaration before the
Assembly of his/her commitment to respect the Constitution and the laws.


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