Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus (1960, as amended 2013) (excerpts related to elections) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus



Article 40
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as President or
Vice-President of the Republic if at the time of election such persona.
is a citizen of the Republic;
b. has attained the age of thirty-five years;
c. has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this
constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral
turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court
for any electoral offence;
d. is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from
acting as President or Vice-President of the Republic.


Article 62
1. The number of Representatives shall be fifty:
Provided that such number may be altered by a resolution of the House of
Representatives carried by a majority comprising two-thirds of the
Representatives elected by the Greek Community and two-thirds of the
Representatives elected by the Turkish Community.
2. Out of the number of Representatives provided in paragraph I of this Article
seventy per centum shall be elected by the Greek Community and thirty per
centum by the Turkish Community separately from amongst their members
respectively, and in the case of a contested election, by universal suffrage and by
direct and secret ballot held on the same day.
The proportion of Representatives stated in this paragraph shall be independent
of any statistical data.

Article 63
1. Subject to paragraph 2 of this Article every citizen of the Republic who has
attained the age of eighteen years and has such residential qualifications as may
be prescribed by the Electoral Law shall have the right to be registered as an
elector in either the Greek or the Turkish electoral list:
Provided that the members of the Greek Community shall only be registered in
the Greek electoral list and the members of the Turkish Community shall only be
registered in the Turkish electoral list.
2. No person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector who is disqualified for
such registration by virtue of the Electoral Law

Article 64
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a Representative if at the
time of the election that person
a. is a citizen of the Republic;
b. has attained the age of twenty-five years;
c. has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this
Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral
turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court
for any electoral offence;
d. is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from
acting as a Representative.

Article 65
1. The term of office of the House of Representatives shall be for a period of five
The term of office of the first House of Representatives shall commence on the
date of the coming into operation of this Constitution.
2. The outgoing House shall continue in office until the newly-elected House
assumes office under paragraph I of this Article.

Article 66
1. A general election for the House of Representatives shall be held on the second
Sunday of the month immediately preceding the month in which the term of
office of the outgoing House expires.
2. When a vacancy occurs in the seat of a Representative such vacancy shall be
filled within a period not exceeding forty-five days of its occurrence, in such
manner as a Law may provide.
3. If an election under paragraph I or 2 of this Article cannot take place on the date
fixed by or under this Constitution owing to extraordinary and unforeseen
circumstances such as earthquake, floods, general epidemic and the like, then
such election shall take place on the corresponding day of the week next


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