Law on the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (1959, as amended 2010) (excerpts related to Elections) (English)

The Law on the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (KEF.300A)


Short title
1. This Law may be cited as the Cyprus Broadcasting Law Foundation

2. (1) In this Act, unless the context requires different;
"Immovable property" has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Immovable Property (Tenure,
Registration and Valuation) Law ∙
"Negative advertising" means any communication or message format transmitted in return for
payment or for similar consideration and aimed at undocumented unfavorable viewing party
"Broadcasting Authority" means the Independent Television Authority, established and operating
under the Radio and Television Stations Law of 1998­2003;
"Wireless telegraphy" means any communication system with telegraph as defined by the Wireless
Telegraphy Act, without the help of any wires connecting points of which and in which messages or
other matter includes matter sent through television, sent and received ∙
"General Manager" means the person appointed to that office under Article 9 ∙
"Auditor General" means the Auditor General of the Republic;
"Public service broadcasting" means public service broadcasting for radio and television broadcasting,
which is a service of general economic interest directly meet the democratic, social and cultural needs
of Cypriot society and the need to ensure pluralism, including cultural and linguistic diversity in the
media, and includes the provision of a balanced package of services consisting of information, cultural
and entertainment programs, community service programs, broadcasts aimed at expatriates and
emissions in emergencies and civil defense, as the beam defined in Regulations issued under this Law
and such extended or otherwise differentiated under such Regulations in the light of technological
developments in the field of audiovisual or new circumstances and data;
"Arbitral Tribunal" means the Compensation Determination Court which was established pursuant to
the Special for Determining Compensation Tribunal Act, or any law amending or replacing it ∙
"Advertising" means any form of an announcement broadcast in return for payment or for similar
consideration or for self­promotional purposes by a public or private undertaking in connection with a
trade, business, craft or profession in order to promote the supply of goods or services, including
immovable property, rights and liabilities payment ∙
"Commission" means the Referees Committee established under subsection (2) of section 14 ∙
"Ownership transfer date" means the date specified by the Cabinet by notification in the Gazette to be
the date of ownership transfer ∙
"Foundation" means the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, which is a broadcaster;
"On­demand audiovisual media service" (ie a linear audiovisual media service) means audiovisual
media service provided by a media service provider for the viewing of programs at the moment chosen
by the user and at his own request, from a list of programs selected by the media service provider;
"Functions" includes powers and duties ∙
"Member" means a member of the Foundation appointed as such under paragraph (b) of subsection
(1) of section 5 ∙
"Transmission" means the wired or not, directly or via satellite, in code or not, and in general in any
way transmitting radio or television signals intended for reception by the public;
"Directive 2010/13 / EC" means Directive 2010/13 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the
Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services, and as may be amended or
replaced ∙
"Financial year" means a year beginning on the first day of January:
Provided that the period between the ownership transfer date and the first day of January of each year
considered financial year ∙
"Audiovisual commercial communication" means images with or without sound which are intended for
direct or indirect promotion of goods, services or image of a natural or legal entity pursuing an
economic activity and that picture accompanies or is included in a program in return for payment or for
similar consideration or promotional purposes. Forms of audiovisual commercial communication include
television advertising, sponsorship, teleshopping and product placement;
"Pancyprian radio organization" means radio organization designed to cover more than 75% of the
population of the regions of the Republic where the government exercises effective control;
"Media service provider" means a natural or legal person who has editorial responsibility for the choice
of the audiovisual content of the audiovisual media service and determines the manner in which it is
"Political advertising" means any communication or message format transmitted in return for payment
or for similar consideration by a candidate within the meaning of Article 17B in presidential or
parliamentary elections or elections to the European Parliament;
"Program" means a set of moving images with or without sound constituting an individual item within
a schedule or a catalog established by a media service provider and whose form and content is
comparable to the form and content of television broadcasting. The programs include feature­length
films, sports events, situation comedies, documentaries, children's programs and original drama;
"President" means the President of the Foundation appointed under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of
section 5 ∙
"Broadcasting service" means radio and television broadcasting service;
"Broadcaster" means the legal person who has editorial responsibility for the composition of radio and /
or television broadcasting programs, which are programs or transmits the same either instructs the
transmission to third parties, and includes radio and / or television station;
"Radio services" [Deleted]
"Radio advertising" means any form of radio announcement broadcast in return for payment or for
similar consideration or for self­promotional purposes by a public or private undertaking or natural
person in connection with a trade, business, craft or profession in order to promote the supply of goods
or services, including immovable property, rights and obligations, in return for payment ∙
"Radio broadcast" (ie a linear audiovisual media service) means radio broadcast media provided by a
media service provider for simultaneous viewing of programs on the basis of a program schedule ∙
"Broadcast" means the transmission of radio issues, intended for public programs and broadcasts;
"Radio station" [Deleted]
"Receiver" [Deleted]
"Broadcasting station" [Deleted]
"Surreptitious advertising" means the representation in words or pictures of goods, services, the name,
the trade mark or the activities of a producer of goods or a provider of services in programs when such
representation is intended by the station to serve advertising and might mislead the public as to the
nature of this presentation. Such representation is considered to be intentional, when in return for
payment or for similar pay ∙
"Surreptitious audiovisual commercial communication" means the oral or visual presentation of goods,
services, the name, the trade mark or the activities of a producer or provider when such representation
is intended by the media service provider to serve advertising and might mislead the public as to the
nature of this presentation. Such representation is considered to be intentional in particular if it is done
in return for payment or for similar consideration;
"Editorial responsibility" means the exercise of effective control both over the selection of the programs
and over their organization either in a chronological schedule, in the case of television broadcasts, or in
a catalog, in the case of on­demand audiovisual media services;
"Teleshopping" means direct offers broadcast to the public for the provision of goods or services, for
payment, including immovable property, rights and obligations;
"Tilemporia" [Deleted]
"Television advertising" means any form of announcement broadcast in return for payment or for
similar consideration or for self­promotional purposes by a public or private undertaking or natural
person in connection with a trade, business, craft or profession in order to promote the supply of goods
or services, including immovable property, rights and obligations, in return for payment;
"Television broadcast" (ie a linear audiovisual media service) means TV audiovisual media service
provided by a media service provider for simultaneous viewing of programs on the basis of a program
"Television broadcasting" means the transmission of television themes, intended for public programs
and broadcasts and includes the communication of programs between undertakings with a view to
their being relayed to the public, but does not include communication services providing personal call,
information or other as the telecopying, electronic data banks and other similar services;
"Broadcaster" means a media service provider that provides television broadcasts;
"Broadcaster" [Deleted]
"Local radio organization" means radio body that covers a relatively small area, no more than the
province, and which operates with reduced power and at a specified frequency range, no significant
proportion of programs covering topics of local interest;
"Local broadcaster" means a broadcaster, which covers a relatively small area, no more than the
province, and which operates with reduced power and at a specified frequency range, no important
programs percentage of covering local issues;
"Product placement" means any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the
inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trademark to appear in a program, in return for
payment or for similar consideration;
"Audiovisual media service" means a service as defined in Article 57 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
the European Union, which is under the editorial responsibility of a media service provider and the
principal purpose of which is the provision of programs in order to inform, entertain or education of the
general public by electronic communications networks. Such audiovisual media services including
television shows and / or on­demand audiovisual media services and / or audiovisual commercial
communication and / or radio broadcasting;
"Minister" means the Minister of Interior ∙
"Sponsorship" [Deleted]
"Slot" [Deleted]
"Slot or teleshopping window" means a transmission time interval of television advertising or
teleshopping spots defined by optical and acoustic opening and closing means.
(2) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms "public aid", "Registrar", "new public aid"
and "existing public aid" shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Control of public Aid Laws of

3. When powers are granted or duties imposed by or under this Law to these powers Foundation or tasks
may be performed or carried out by or through any employee or representative of the Institution authorized
for this purpose by the Foundation.

2. "House" means the House of Representatives ~
"Press News" means the newscasts of Radio and Television ~
"Second period" means the last three months of the period ~
"Republic" means the Republic of Cyprus ~
"Elections" shall mean elections which are conducted to highlight President ~
"Foundation" means the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation ~
"Political party" means a party represented in parliament or Agency or EU persons or group which, in
the eyes of the average prudent citizen who knows the inner political situation of Cyprus and looks
forward to the organization, structure, institutions, objectives and impact It is considered as a political
party ~
"President" means the President of the Republic ~
"First Period" means the first three months of the period ~
"Candidate President" means a person that announcement publicly intention to candidature for
election as president in the next elections of that declaration, provided that it has, under the
Constitution, the ability of a candidate to the office of President and fulfills one or more of the following
conditions, namely:
(A) holds at the time of this announcement the office of President,
(B) is the leader of a political party,
(C) enjoys the support of one or more parties,
(D) is a person who, in the eyes of the prudent average citizen, has played or plays a role in the
political or economic or social life of Cyprus or personality who enjoys prestige and / or respect
between the part of the electorate:
Provided that the candidate president ceases to be a presidential candidate once any state that
has ceased to be interested in promotion to the post of President.
"Period" means the period beginning six months before the expiry in accordance with the Constitution
of the term of current President and ending on the day of election day by which it has become a new

fair treatment
3. Notwithstanding any provision of the Basic Law, the Foundation is obliged during the entire time period
of time ensures the fair treatment of each candidate Presidents.

Obligations of the Foundation during the First Period
4. Without prejudice to the generality of the provision of Article 3 of this Law under the Institution during
the first period the following obligations:
(A) broadcast by the news so concision the campaign activities of each candidate president.
(B) To convey by the main news bulletins regularly as such the respective declarations or
announcements by each prospective Presidents provided that normal reading these will not exceed
two minutes:
Provided that if the normal reading of statements or candidate President bulletin will exceed two
minutes, then the Foundation without the obligation of influence according to the above with respect
to the statements or statements of others or any of the other candidates presidents, will be required to
transmit a summary of the statements or announcements lasting about two minutes.
(C) To transfer one weekly time period of five minutes at each presidential candidate in order as he or
the candidate or representative addressed to the Cyprus people both for radio and for television.
(D) To be granted once a month to each candidate time fifteen minutes President with purpose as he
speak in person or by representative to the Cypriot people both for radio and for television.
(E) fully covers both for radio and for television one press conference every candidate President:
Provided, however, that the time allowed under this provision may not exceed sixty minutes:
Provided further, that time is granted on the same day on which any will make the relevant press
Provided still further that it is for each presidential candidate to determine the time of his own press
conference, which according to the above mandatory broadcast by the Foundation

Obligations of the Foundation during the Second Period
5. Without prejudice to the generality of Article 3 of this Law during the Foundation Second period
To cover news six speeches each candidate the President, namely one in the city of Nicosia, one in
Limassol, one in the city of Larnaca, one in Paphos town, one to the inhabitants of Famagusta and one
to the inhabitants Kerineias. The meeting will be televised. The duration of coverage each talk will be
10 minutes.
(B) To cover news and in about five minutes for each concentration other five concentrations of each
candidate President or representative of each candidate as President concerned indicates to the
(C) To meet at least one press conference every candidate the President, the applied mutatis mutandis
in paragraph (e) of Article 4 above.
(D) To communicate daily special program preannounce campaign meetings in the same or next day
each candidate President or concentrations are due to or in support of presidential candidate:
Provided that the number of individual concentrations broadcast each day will not exceed five.
(E) During the last 45 days of the second period to broadcast daily at 1.45 pm time through radio
announcements in full each candidate President or party that supports him, provided that the notice
period should not exceed five minutes.
(F) To invite presidential candidate in "Syntantisi program type," or similar TV program. The journalists
who will ask the questions in the program will not exceed three (the same number will be valid for all
purposes). The program lasts 90 minutes and will be broadcast immediately after the main television
news bulletin.
(G) To broadcast an interview of each candidate President or representatives for their policy on key
issues (Cyprus problem, economy, social policy, education, etc.). The questions are in all cases the
same, and the time is also the same, lasting about 20 minutes. The interviews will be transmitted both
by radio and by television. The obligation of the Foundation under this subparagraph shall be fulfilled
within the second month of the second period.
(H) By the end of the campaign, the Foundation is required to sequentially vacate the same day
candidates Presidents year both on radio and television in order to speak to the people. This time will
be up to 15 minutes.
(I) To transfer one weekly time period of five minutes at each presidential candidate for transmission of
radio and television of any of the proposed activities, as he wanted select and designate or as the
candidate or representative he shall be addressed to the Cypriot people.
(J) To convey by the main news bulletins regularly as such the individual statements or
announcements each candidate the President, provided that the normal reading these will not exceed
two minutes:
Provided that if the normal reading of statements or candidate President bulletin exceed two minutes,
then the Foundation without the obligation of influence according to the above with respect to the
statements or statements of others or any of the other candidates presidents, will be required to
transmit a summary of the statements or announcements lasting about two minutes.
(K) In the event of repeat election as provided by Article 39.2 of the Constitution and in the period
between the end of the first election to such election, the Foundation will provide as(Aa)
Cover news both for radio and for television at least one concentration of each of the
candidates, who are entitled to claim the repeat election under that provision of the Constitution.
The coverage time will be 20 minutes long.
(B) Transmits daily by the major news as such statements and communications, provided that if
the normal reading of the announcements or statements one day a candidate may not be
performed within a period of five minutes, without the above requirement influence in relation to
another presidential candidate, the Foundation will broadcast a summary lasting five minutes of
such statements or announcements on the day.
(C) The provisions of paragraphs (d), (e) and (h) of this section shall apply accordingly.

interpretive provision
6. Nothing contained in this Law shall be construed as conferring rights or imposing an obligation on the
institution to transmit anything which constitutes defamation under the Civil Wrongs Law, Kef.148.

display order of the candidates Presidents
7. The order to be followed in cases of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article 4 of this Law and the order to be
followed in cases of paragraphs (d), (e) and subparagraph (a) (bb) of Article 5, shall be commensurate with
the political power of the party whose candidate President receives chief or by whom or (which) is
supported, trailing independent candidates in alphabetical order, while in the case of paragraphs (f) and (g)
of Article 5 will precede the emergence of the independent candidate Presidents ­ series including fixed
alphabetical ­ and will be followed by the appearance of the other candidate, the order of which is
determined in a manner inversely proportional to the number , which according to the above is set for the
cases specified in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Article 4 and of paragraphs (d), (e) and subparagraph (a)
(bb) of Article 5 of this Law:
Provided that the programs of each of paragraphs (f) and (g) of Article 5 of this Law will be broadcast on
consecutive days ­ except Saturday and Sunday.
The completion of the programs of this paragraph (g) should precede the beginning of the transmission of
programs in paragraph (f) of Article 5 of this Law.


Show poll
7A .­ (1) The display or transmission of the Foundation poll results related to elections, seven days before
the holding of any elections.
(2) Company conducted a survey whose results were made public during an election period required before
publication, to testify at the Foundation Members note on methodology and sampling has been used for the
poll, breakdown of the sample population used for this, and a sample of the survey questionnaire:
Provided that all the above mentioned elements of the survey submitted to Foundation members are
protected as strictly confidential and are in the custody of the President of the Foundation. No other person
has access to it, unless decided to conduct a special investigation.
For the purposes of this subsection election period means a period of three months before the holding of
any elections.

Special provisions relating to political advertising during the election campaign of presidential or
parliamentary elections or the European Parliament elections

17B .­ (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Basic Law or any Regulations made thereunder, the
political advertising broadcast during the election campaign of presidential or parliamentary elections or the
European Parliament elections permitted by the Foundation, provided they meet the following conditions:
(A) Prior to the transmission of political advertising should be used optical and acoustic means of
labeling as paid political advertising, so as to be clearly distinguished from other programs and other
(B) in the case of presidential elections, the spread of political advertising is allowed only for the
candidates, and will be determined in this clearly, the candidate to whom the political advertising
(C) in the case of elections or the European Parliament elections, the spread of political advertising is
permitted only in favor of the candidates and will be determined in this clearly, the candidate to whom
the political advertising broadcast;
(D) the political advertising is not negative advertising within the meaning attributed to it by this
Article ∙
(E) the Foundation imparts political advertising under the same economic or other conditions for all
candidates in case of presidential elections for all candidates if elections or the European Parliament
elections, as appropriate.
(F) the Foundation ensures as far as possible the conditions equal percentage of time the ad policy
between the candidates in case of presidential elections between candidates if elections or the
European Parliament elections, as appropriate, both within the area and outside this, as well as when it
is transmitted during prime time or prime.
(2) Regarding the political advertising time broadcast the Foundation, the provisions of Article 34D of the
Radio and Television Stations Law.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2) of section 34D of the Radio and Television Stations Law
prohibits the advertising policy transmission fifty­five hours before the start time of the vote during the day
of the presidential or parliamentary elections or election the European Parliament, as appropriate.
(4) Candidates in the case of the presidential elections and the candidates in the case of elections or the
European Parliament elections or independent candidate, as applicable, shall, five days prior to transmitting
the first political ad, submit to broadcasting authority the agreed with the foundation of their political
advertising recording and transmission program.
(5) The Foundation before the transmission of any political advertising is obliged to immediately notify the
Broadcasting Authority agreement for its transmission, its content and the time of transmission.
(6) (a) Where the Broadcasting Authority found that any political advertising has covered the specified
under subsection (2) of this section time, give instructions to the Foundation not to transmit any other such
political advertising, and the Foundation has to refrain from any further such advertising broadcast.
(B) Where the Foundation violates the provisions of this Article, the provisions of paragraph (c) of
subsection (1) of section 22B.
(7) For the purposes of this Article;
"Negative advertising" means any communication or message format transmitted in return for payment or
for similar consideration and aimed at undocumented unfavorable view opponent or party ∙
"Election period" means the period of forty days preceding the date of holding of presidential or
parliamentary elections or the European Parliament elections, as appropriate, and if the presidential
elections at the date of which is not elected president, any candidates presidents, and a new vote will be
held at a later date, include the period from the date of the first vote until the new vote to be held ∙
"Candidate" means:
(A) in the case of the presidential election presidential candidate in the meaning of the Elections
(President and Vice President of the Republic) Law.
(B) in the case of elections:
(I) a person submitting an application based on the Election of Members of House of
Representatives Act if the person is exposed to the election individually; or
(Ii) the combination of a party or coalition combining several collaborating parties or combining
independent when candidates based on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives
Law exposed or will be exposed to the election in association and
(C) in the case of European Parliament elections:
(I) a person submitting an application based on the Law on Election of Members of Parliament Act
if the person is exposed to the election individually, or
(Ii) the combination of a party or coalition combining several collaborating parties or combining
independent when candidates based on the Law on Election of Members of Parliament Act
exposed or will be exposed to the election in combination:
Provided that, where necessary for the purposes of this Article, this action by the candidate, for
the case of a combination, by this act a person legally authorized to represent him.
"Prime time" means the time broadcaster broadcast period between the hours of 19:00 to 22: 00 ∙
"High Rate" means the period of radio emission agency period between the hours of 6:00 to 9:00 and
12:00 to 14:00.


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