Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway (1814, as amended 2016) (excerpts related to Freedom of Association) (English)

The Constitution, as laid down on 17 May 1814 by the Constituent
Assembly at Eidsvoll and subsequently amended,
most recently in May 2016



Article 101
Everyone has the right to form, join and leave associations,
including trade unions and political parties.
All people may meet in peaceful assemblies and demonstrations.
The Government is not entitled to employ military force against
citizens of the state, except in accordance with the law, unless an
assembly disturbs the public peace and does not immediately disperse
after the articles of the statute book relating to riots have been read out
clearly three times by the civil authority.


Article 116
The purchase money, as well as the revenues of the landed property
constituting ecclesiastical benefices, shall be applied solely to the
benefit of the clergy and to the promotion of education. The property
of charitable foundations shall be applied solely to the benefit of the
foundations themselves.


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