Constitution of the Republic of Estonia (1992, as amended 2015) (excerpts related to Freedom of Association) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Estonia



§ 30. Recruitment to positions in government agencies and local authorities takes place among citizens of
Estonia in accordance with the law and pursuant to the procedure established by law. Citizens of foreign states
and stateless persons may be recruited to such positions as an exception provided this is allowed by the law.
In respect of certain categories of public servants, the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity and to form
commercial associations (§ 31), and the right to belong to political parties and to certain types of non-profit
associations (§ 48) may be circumscribed by law.


§ 48. Everyone has the right to form non-profit associations and federations. Only citizens of Estonia may
belong to political parties.
The establishment of associations and federations which possess weapons, which are organised in accordance
with military principles or which hold exercises of a military nature requires a prior authorisation whose
conditions of issuance and procedure of issuance are provided by law.
Associations, federations and political parties whose aims or activities are directed at changing the
constitutional order of Estonia by force or are otherwise in conflict with a law providing criminal liability, are
Only a court may terminate or suspend the activities of an association, federation or political party for a
violation of the law, or order the association, federation or political party to pay a fine.


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