Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (1991, as amended 2013) (excerpts related to Fair Trial (Right to a) (English)

Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nos. 33/91-I, 42/97, 66/2000, 24/03, 69/04,
68/06, and 47/13


Article 23
(Right to Judicial Protection)
Everyone has the right to have any decision regarding his rights, duties, and any
charges brought against him made without undue delay by an independent, impartial
court constituted by law.
Only a judge duly appointed pursuant to rules previously established by law and by
judicial regulations may judge such an individual.

Article 24
(Public Nature of Court Proceedings)
Court hearings shall be public. Judgements shall be pronounced publicly. Exceptions
shall be provided by law.

Article 25
(Right to Legal Remedies)
Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to appeal or to any other legal remedy against
the decisions of courts and other state authorities, local community authorities, and
bearers of public authority by which his rights, duties, or legal interests are determined.

Article 26
(Right to Compensation)
Everyone has the right to compensation for damage caused through unlawful actions
in connection with the performance of any function or other activity by a person or
authority performing such function or activity within a state or local community authority
or as a bearer of public authority.
Any person suffering damage has the right to claim, in accordance with the law,
compensation also directly from the person or authority that has caused such damage.

Article 27
(Presumption of Innocence)
Any person charged with criminal conduct shall be presumed innocent until found guilty
by a final judgement.

Article 28
(Principle of Legality in Criminal Law)
No one may be punished for an act which had not been declared a criminal offence
under law or for which a penalty had not been prescribed at the time the act was
Acts that are criminal shall be established and the resulting penalties pronounced
according to the law that was in force at the time the act was performed, except where
a more recent law adopted is more lenient towards the offender.

Article 29
(Legal Guarantees in Criminal Proceedings)
Anyone charged with a criminal offence must, in addition to absolute equality, be
guaranteed the following rights:
 the right to have adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence;
 the right to be present at his trial and to conduct his own defence or to be
defended by a legal representative;
 the right to present all evidence to his benefit;
 the right not to incriminate himself or his relatives or those close to him, or to
admit guilt.

Article 30
(Right to Rehabilitation and Compensation)
Any person unjustly convicted of a criminal offence or deprived of his liberty without
due cause has the right to rehabilitation and compensation, and other rights provided
by law.

Article 31
(Prohibition of Double Jeopardy)
No one may be sentenced or punished twice for the same criminal offence for which
criminal proceedings were dismissed finally, or for which the charge was finally
rejected, or for which the person was acquitted or convicted by a final judgement.


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