Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway (1814, as amended 2016) (excerpts related to Fair Trial (Right to a)) (English)




Article 94
No one may be taken into custody or otherwise be deprived of their
liberty except in the cases determined by law and in the manner
prescribed by law. Deprivation of liberty must be necessary and must
not constitute a disproportionate infringement.
Persons arrested shall as soon as possible be brought before a
court. Others who have been deprived of their liberty have the right to
bring their deprivation of liberty before a court without unjustified
Those responsible for the unwarranted arrest or illegal detention of
a person shall be answerable to the person concerned.

Article 95
Everyone has the right to have their case tried by an independent
and impartial court within reasonable time. Legal proceedings shall be
fair and public. The court may however conduct proceedings in camera
if considerations of the privacy of the parties concerned or if weighty
and significant public interests necessitate this.
The authorities of the state shall ensure the independence and
impartiality of the courts and the members of the judiciary.

Article 96
No one may be sentenced except according to law, or be punished
except after a court judgment.
Everyone has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
according to law.
No one may be sentenced to surrender property or accumulated
wealth unless the assets have been used to commit or are profits from a
criminal act.

Article 97
No law must be given retroactive effect.


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