Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (1922, as amended 2014) (excerpts related to Fair Trial (Right to a)) (English)

The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia 



83. Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law.


92. Everyone has the right to defend his or her rights and lawful interests in a fair court. Everyone shall be presumed innocent until his or her guilt has been established in accordance with law. Everyone, where his or her rights are violated without basis, has a right to commensurate compensation. Everyone has a right to the assistance of counsel.


94. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one may be deprived of or have their liberty restricted, otherwise than
in accordance with law.
95. The State shall protect human honour and dignity. Torture or other cruel or degrading treatment of human beings is prohibited. No
one shall be subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment.


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