Constitution of Georgia (1995, as amended 2013) (excerpts related to National Minorities) (English)



Article 8
The official language of Georgia shall be Georgian. The official language of the Autonomous Republic
of Abkhazia shall be Georgian and Abkhazian.
Constitutional Law of Georgia No 1689 of 10 October 2002 - LHG I, No 28, 28.10.2002, Art. 128


Article 38
1. Citizens of Georgia shall be equal in their social, economic, cultural, and political lives irrespective
of national, ethnic, religious, or language origin. According to universally recognised principles and
rules of international law, citizens of Georgia shall have the right to develop their culture freely, use
their mother tongue in private and in public, without any discrimination and interference.
2. According to universally recognised principles and rules of international law, minority rights shall
be exercised so as not to contradict the sovereignty, state system, territorial integrity, and political
independence of Georgia.


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Subscribe to Constitution of Georgia (1995, as amended 2013) (excerpts related to National Minorities) (English)
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