Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (1991, as amended 2015) (excerpts related to Fair Trial (Right to a)) (English)

Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
by the Grand National Assembly
on 12 July, 1991.

Promulgated in Darzhaven vestnik (State Gazette) No 56/13 July 1991; as
- Darzhaven vestnik No 85/26 September 2003;
- Darzhaven vestnik No 18/25 February 2005;
- Darzhaven vestnik No 27/31 March 2006; (Promulgated: DV, No. 27/31 March
2006, amended: DV, No. 78/26 September 2006);
- Darzhaven vestnik No 78/26 September 2006 - Constitutional Court Judgment
No 7/2006;
- Darzhaven vestnik No 12/6 February 2007;
- DV, No. 100/18 December 2015.


Chapter two - Fundamental rights and obligations of citizens


Article 29

1. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment, or to forcible assimilation.
2. No one shall be subjected to medical, scientific or other experimentation
without his voluntary written consent.

Article 30

1. Everyone shall be entitled to personal freedom and inviolability.
2. No one shall be detained or subjected to inspection, search or any other
infringement of his personal inviolability except on the conditions and in a manner
established by a law.
3. The state authorities shall be free to detain a citizen only in the urgent
circumstances expressly stipulated by a law, and shall immediately advise the
judicial authorities accordingly. The judicial authorities shall rule on the legality of
a detention within the next 24 hours.
4. Everyone shall be entitled to legal counsel from the moment of detention or
from the moment of being charged.
5. Everyone shall be entitled to meet his legal counsel in private. The
confidentiality of such communication shall be inviolable.

Article 31

1. Anyone charged with a crime shall be brought before a court within the time
established by a law.
2. No one shall be forced to plead guilty, and no one shall be convicted solely by
virtue of a confession.
3. A defendant shall be considered innocent until proven otherwise by a final
4. The rights of a defendant shall not be restricted beyond what is necessary for
the purpose of a fair trial.
5. Prisoners shall be kept in conditions conducive to the exercise of those of
their fundamental rights which are not restricted by virtue of their sentence.
6. Prison sentences shall be served only at the facilities established by a law.
7. There shall be no limitation to the prosecution and the execution of a sentence
for crimes against peace and humanity.


 Chapter six - Judicial power


Article 121
1. The courts shall ensure the equality and mutual challenge ability of the parties
to a judicial trial.
2. Judicial proceedings shall ensure the establishment of truth.
3. All courts shall conduct their hearings in public, unless provided otherwise by
a law.
4. All court rulings shall be motivated.

Article 122
1. Citizens and legal entities shall have the right to legal counsel at all stages of a
2. The procedure by which the right to legal counsel shall be practiced shall be
established by a law.


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