Law of Greece on the organization and operation of the Asylum Service, the Appeals Authority, the Reception and Identification Service, the establishment of the General Secretariat for Reception (2016) (excerpts related to Trafficking in Human Beings) (En

Law 4375 On the organization and operation of the Asylum Service, the Appeals Authority, the Reception and Identification Service, the establishment of the General Secretariat for Reception, the transposition into Greek legislation of the provisions of Directive 2013/32/EC “on common procedures for granting and withdrawing the status of international protection (recast) (L 180/29.6.2013), provisions on the employment of beneficiaries of international protection and other provisions


Article 14
Status of residence and procedures in the Reception and Identification Centres and in Mobile Units

8. The Manager of the Centre or the Unit, acting on a proposal of the Head of the medical screening and psychosocial support unit shall refer persons belonging to vulnerable groups to the competent social support and protection institution. A copy of the medical screening and psychosocial support file shall be sent to the Head of the Open Temporary Reception or Accommodation Structure or competent social support and protection institution, as per case, where the person is being referred to. In all cases the continuity of the medical treatment followed shall be ensured, where necessary. As vulnerable groups shall be considered for the purposes of this law:

g) Victims of trafficking in human beings.


Article 27 Establishment and staffing of the Directorate for Reception

b. The Reception Services Department, which shall be competent:

cc) To study, develop and process the institutional framework requirements regarding the provision of reception services to applicants for international protection which shall include psychosocial support, legal assistance and adequate access to health and education systems as well as to the labour market. It shall place particular emphasis on developing and refining the institutional framework for standards concerning the accreditation procedures, rehabilitation and proper management of vulnerable persons included in the above groups, such as persons with disabilities or serious illness, addicted drug users, the elderly, pregnant women, single parents or single-parent families with minor children, women in pregnancy or childbirth, persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence and exploitation, as well as victims of trafficking in human beings,


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