Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye (1982, as amended 2017) (excerpts related to National Human Rights Institutions) (English)




VII. Right of Petition, Right to Information and Appeal to the Ombudsman

Article 74.

(As amended on October 3, 2001; Act No. 4709) Citizens and foreigners resident in Türkiye, with the condition of observing the principle of reciprocity, have the right to apply in writing to the competent authorities and to the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye with regard to the requests and complaints concerning themselves or the public.
(As amended on October 3, 2001; Act No. 4709) The result of the application concerning himself/herself shall be made known to the petitioner in writing without delay.
(Repealed on September 12, 2010; Act No. 5982)
(Paragraph added on September 12, 2010; Act No. 5982)
Everyone has the right to obtain information and appeal to the Ombudsperson.
(Paragraph added on September 12, 2010; Act No. 5982)
The Institution of the Ombudsperson established under the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye examines complaints on the functioning of the administration.

(Paragraph added on September 12, 2010; Act No. 5982)
The Chief Ombudsperson shall be elected by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye for a term of four years by secret ballot. In the first two ballots, a two-thirds majority of the total number of members, and in the third ballot an absolute majority of the total number of members shall be required. If an absolute majority cannot be obtained in the third ballot, a fourth ballot shall be held between the two candidates who have received the greatest number of votes in the third ballot; the candidate who receives the greatest number of votes in the fourth ballot shall be elected.
(Paragraph added on September 12, 2010; Act No. 5982)
The way of exercising these rights referred to in this article, the establishment, duties, functioning of the Ombudsperson Institution and its proceedings after the examination and the procedures and principles regarding the qualifications, elections and personnel rights of the Chief Ombudsperson and ombudspersons shall be laid down in law.


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