Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1995, as amended 2009) (excerpts related to National Human Rights Institutions) (English)



Article 95: Matters to be Determined by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

I. The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan is competent to determine the following matters:


6. the election of a commissioner for human rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan upon presentation by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;


Article 109: Powers of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:


14. makes recommendation to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the election of the commissioner for human rights.


Article 130: The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan


VII. The Ombudsman of the Azerbaijan Republic shall apply to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan in cases where the rights and freedoms of a person have allegedly been violated by legislative acts in force, normative acts of the executive or of municipalities, or court decisions in accordance with the procedure provided for by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the adjudication of the cases and applications listed as items 1 to 7 in section III of the present Article



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