Decree on the Means of Social Communication (Inter Mirifica) of the Second Vatican Council (1963) (excerpts related to Access to Information) (English)

Decree Inter Mirifica of the Second Vatican Council (1963) (excerpts)


In society men has a right to information, in accord with the circumstances in each case, about matters concerning
individuals or the community. The proper exercise of this right demands, however, that the news itself that is
communicated should always be true and complete, within the bounds of justice charity (n.5).
A special responsibility for the proper use of the media rests on journalists, writers, actors, designers, producers,
displayers, distributors, operators and sellers, as well as critics and all others who play any part in the production and
transmission of communications. It is quite evident what gravely important responsibilities they have in the present day
when informing or influencing mankind. Thus, they must adjust their economic, political or artistic and technical
aspects so as never to oppose the common good. For the purpose of better achieving this goal, they are to be
commended when they join professional association, which – even under a code, if necessary, of sound moral practice –
oblige their members to show respect for the morality in the duties and tasks of their craft… In addition, they should see
to it that communications or presentations concerning religious matters are entrusted to worthy and experienced hands
and are carried out with fitting reverence (n. 11).


Art. 16, para 3. Everyone is obliged to observe official secrets rigorously. Therefore information concerning acts or data
which has been acquired in the course of the work cannot be supplied to those not entitled to receive them.


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